What Are The Reasons You Should Use WordPress To Build A Website?

What Are The Reasons You Should Use WordPress To Build A Website?

The most common question asked is, “Why do we use WordPress to build a website, why not the old one we are using is good enough. If these types of questions are in your mind right now, we have the answer for you here. These are the following reasons why WordPress is better than any other platform for building a website.

Most people have this misconception that WordPress is the blogging platform which we need to make clear that WordPress started as a blogging platform but with years of experience and upgradation it has become a very powerful and popular website builder and robust content management system (CMS).

When we talk about the popularity of WordPress web design company from the recent surveys It is proven that WordPress powers 32.3% of the websites on the internet which is a great achievement. Now, how’s it possible for WordPress to gain that popularity in very little time, the reason for that popularity is WordPress is a very flexible tool for making websites and very easy to use.

The main and most popular reason for WordPress’s popularity in top brands is its robust features. Here are the few top brands that use WordPress, Facebook, Sony, Disney, Target, etc.

Here are a few reasons that you should use WordPress to build your website.

  • Free As in Freedom

The most effective and popular reason for its popularity is WordPress does not cost you anything, it is totally free of cost software you can download, install and use for free. It will cost you nothing to make any type of website.

There is one thing you need to note that you have to have a domain name and web hosting to install WordPress.

  • Easy To Customize with Themes and Plugin

Many WordPress users are not web designers or programmers. Most people start using WordPress without having some knowledge in programming or web designing-related fields.

Now the question comes to mind: how’s that possible for a non-tech person without having a knowledge of web designing and programming to start using WordPress and build websites. The answer is WordPress provides thousands of free website templates for either blog writing, business sites, or an online store.

WordPress themes and plugins are easy to custom WordPress web design. There are hundreds of free templates of themes and plugins available and you can customize them according to your need.

  • SEO Friendly

What makes WordPress SEO friendly is its standard compliance, which produces semantic markups and high-quality code. These features of WordPress make it popular in Google and other search engines.

WordPress is SEO-friendly by design, and you can also use WordPress plugins to customize your website SEO services according to your requirement.

  • Easy To Manage

As we said WordPress is easy to manage because WordPress has the ability and comes in a built-in management system which means it will allow or notify you when the new update is available, and you can simply click in to update your existing website.

When there is any update available WordPress sends you a notification for that and you can use the new update.

WordPress also provides you the opportunity to protect your data from any accident or hacking, you can utilize the backup plugin option to create backups and store them safely on a remote location.

  • Safe And Secure

WordPress is a very secure platform to run a website, developed with security in mind. But we all know that uncertainty on the internet may affect security just like the real world.

There are further options to protect and secure your WordPress.For details, see our step-by-step WordPress security guide for beginners.

  • Handle Different Media Types

Like any other platform, WordPress is not limited to just writing a text but also provides you the opportunity to use images, audio, and video files with the help of its built-in media uploader. Another option in WordPress available is that it supports the oEmbed which means you can embed YouTube videos, tweets, and Instagram photos by simply pasting the URL.

  • Different Ways To Use WordPress

WordPress can be used in multiple ways like from building a simple website to eCommerce or anything that comes in between WordPress is the best tool utilized for all kinds of websites.

Here Are a Few Examples:

  •       Blog writing
  •       For making a business website
  •       For an online store
  •       For a membership website

There Are Many Other Options Available

We trust this article responded to your inquiry regarding the reason why you should utilize WordPress.The most ideal way to experience the power of WordPress is by utilizing it.